01 Oct Staying Connected

During Romapada Swami Maharaja’s visit to Minneapolis in Winter 2011, a devotee asked me if I would like to drive Maharaja to the airport. It seemed like a good idea. I wanted some time with him to ask many questions about bhakti that had been on my mind. As it turned out, I was only able to ask one question, but, not because there wasn’t an opportunity to ask more. Rather, his answer to this sole question was so profound that it took me the rest of the ride to even understand what he meant.
He replied, “It lets me stay connected to my spiritual master.” He gave a wide smile, looked down at his bead bag, and started chanting.
The whole idea of traveling from place to place and living the renounced order of life seemed so foreign to me. I wondered how someone foregoes a house and living with their family and friends and instead travels and shares the message of God. I was sure there was no way I could possibly live such a life. I wanted to ask him how he does it. How is it possible to maintain life in such a manner? How does someone travel around the world to share the message of God, but not have a place of their own to call home and to “hang out” at the end of the day?
I asked, “Maharaja, how do you live as a sannyasi? Don’t you miss having a house and family?” Sitting in the passenger seat of the car, he was very silent for a moment and then turned his head to me. He had a very serious look on his face. At that moment, I was pretty sure that I had said something very stupid and had revealed my immaturity.
He replied, “It lets me stay connected to my spiritual master.” He gave a wide smile, looked down at his bead bag, and started chanting.
My mind was blown. I thought of all the programs I have been to where he gave classes. All of the times he answered questions from inquiring college students and professionals. How he gives practical explanations on how to share our faith. He lives this life and interacts with so many people because he wants to stay connected to his guru. Wow!
The answer I received that day has stuck with me for so many years. The connection we have with our family, friends, spouses, guru, and others is the most important thing we have. Maintaining this connection is something that we all do without much thought. However, Romapada Swami has made connection his life’s mission, and is demonstrating it through practical example.
– Braj Vallabha Das